Alumni, students, and others who are interested in the history of warfare will want to check out two roundtable series this year:

• First, our neighbors at Concordia University St. Paul host a Vietnam War series, sponsored by the Minnesota Military Museum and Twin Cities Public Television. Starting at 7pm in Buetow Auditorium the 3rd Monday of each month, roundtable sessions will feature veterans talking about a specific theme in the history of the war. The series kicks off next Monday (Sept. 16) with Wendell Affield, a veteran of the “brown water navy” that fought in the rivers of Southeast Asia. Parking and admission are free.

A Vietnam-era “swift boat” – Wikimedia

• Then the venerable Harold Deutsch World War II Round Table moves to a new location for its 33rd year. With the Fort Snelling Visitor Center under construction, head instead to the Minnesota History Center the second Tuesday of each month to hear from authors and veterans. The next session is October 8th, and features a talk by Philip Padgett, author of Advocating Overlord: The D-Day Strategy and the Atomic Bomb. (The main program starts at 7pm, but there’s usually a pre-talk session for high school and college students starting at 6pm.) Admission is free, but parking costs $6 ($4 for historical society members).

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